Sunday, October 14, 2007

TLT ~ Rebellion Committee List

Since Deia has been nagging (yes, nagging!!!) me about this, here is the new version of the Rebellion Committee List! Some members aren’t listed because I didn’t know what specific role they wanted to play in the rebellion. I used what information I have, so if there needs to be any corrections or additions, please let me know. Btw, I included some NPCs because they are really important in our current storyline, although eventually they can be weeded out of the rebellion when the chances arise.

Legend: * = current NPC

Troy & Allies:

1) Arynthya: Leader/Organizer of the Rebellion
2) Adeia: Second-in-Command of the Rebellion under Arynthya and Diplomat to Lycia
3) Helen: Rebellion Coordinator and Spy for Troy
4) Creusa: Rebellion Coordinator
5) *Polyxena: Rebellion Coordinator
6) *Adara: Rebellion Coordinator
7) Astyanax: Co-leader of the Trojan Military Forces with Keraunos
8) *Keraunos: Co-leader of the Trojan Military Forces with Astyanax
9) *Kalone: Leader of the Amazon Military Forces
10) Camane: Amazon warrior
11) Alkaia: General and Second-in-Command of the Amazon Military Forces
12) Lukios: Leader of the Lycian Military Forces
14) Erigone: Spy for Troy in Greece
15) Iltani: Prophetess in Troy
16) Shabanu: Prophetess and Diplomat to the Eastern Allies of Troy
17) Efrendarius: Spy for Troy
18) Mather: Spy for Troy

Sparta & Allies:

1) Oded: Leader of the Mycenae Military Forces
2) Valandra: Spy and Conspirator in Sparta and Mycenae
3) Ianessa: Spy and Conspirator in Sparta and Mycenae
4) Chrysothemis: Conspirator?
5) Alkaia: Amazon Rebel/Conspirator supported by the Greeks
6) *Menelaus: Leader of the combined Military Forces of the Aegean
7) *Odysseus: Leader of the Ithacan Military Forces and Conspirator
8) *Telephassa: Valandra's personal envoy/messenger


Adeia said...

Oooh yay, I'm so excited about this! Wonderful work as always on the lists and organisation Ary!

Arynthya said...

*GRINS* You know me; organization and details are obsessions of mine! Once I’m given more information on which parts other members will play in the rebellion, they’ll be added too.